Kinda disturbing.........


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I just came in from a bit of a groundhog hunt. Didn't hurt the hogs too bad. But I did spend 1 1/2 hours watching 13 deer in one of my foodplots. That's the good news. Bad news is there were 10 mature does and only 3 fawns. Looks like the 'yote pack (which has seemingly really expanded this summer) is giving them a rough time.

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Yotes will sure put the hurt on them, but maybe the fawns were hiding. Most of the does I have been seeing around and getting trail cam pics of have at least one fawn with them.

I wish you were right William. But it's pretty late in the game for the fawns to be left hiding. The 3 fawns I did see were all pretty darned big. If it were this time last month, I'd probably agree. But I don't think the does are hiding fawns at this point in the game. They go where momma goes an do what she does.

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I wish you were right William. But it's pretty late in the game for the fawns to be left hiding. The 3 fawns I did see were all pretty darned big. If it were this time last month, I'd probably agree. But I don't think the does are hiding fawns at this point in the game. They go where momma goes an do what she does.

That is too bad, yotes open year round there Don? Might get one of those AR's out and whack some. If it were not so dadgum hot here I might try a little calling early mornings on the weekends.

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Yep. Open year 'round. Yep. But the game commission loves 'yotes too much to let AR's be legal to shoot them with I guess. They (and ALL semi rifles) are forbidden for any animal. Just no time to do any calling, either. Hoping to run a small trapline for a couple weeks in Nov when I'm off bowhunting the rut. Probably a better chance of getting numbers of them thataway. Also have an idea for a bit of a different twist on thinning them out this winter. We'll see how that pans out.

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Yep. Open year 'round. Yep. But the game commission loves 'yotes too much to let AR's be legal to shoot them with I guess. They (and ALL semi rifles) are forbidden for any animal.

Never knew that for PA. Interesting how regs for states that allow rifle hunting can vary so much. Here semi autos are fine for hunting, animals like yotes and beaver are allowed to be taken year round and with pretty well anything you happen to be hunting with during big game hunting seasons.

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