Dove season right around the corner....


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Im gearing up. Im going to clean the 28ga and take it with me for the first time ever. I also bought a couple of new dove stools. Ive been looking at some public land that has Soy Bean planted with a big pond right off the corner. Its dry so they should be headed to water.

Anyone else gearing up?

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Yep, been thinking about it here and there. I'll be out on my buddy's land on Saturday the 3rd I'm sure. He has a nice piece of land between food and water sources and most importantly, a power line running right down the middle. He's planted black oilers for the past few years back there and it really brings them in.

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Been seeing a few dove flying around our barn, and the other evening I spooked about 12-15 off of our pond. I like to dove hunt, but most of the fields that I see dove are really close to chunks of timber where I deer hunt. Our bow season starts in Sept. so Im usually reluctant to go in and dove hunt. I really need to find a farm just for dove hunting I guess.

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Worst opener for us I think, ever. Saw about 10 doves flying. 1 group got close enough for a shot and my buddy dropped one. Other buddy missed. I had 1 in range but came in from behind me, no shot. Saw another one about a half hour later, was out of range, but I shot anyway. :D

Yeah, I missed. :cool:

Might head out tomorrow. Waiting on a call from my buddy to see if it's worth the time. Hoping this front moved a couple down.

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oh just this little spot I have around here, it holds birds from time to time :gun1:


Talked to my buddy today. He said there's a bunch (100+) up on the road and by his house, but for whatever reason, they're not hitting the field this year. I told him he needs to mow his field almost flat and we'll have better luck.

I think this front moved some birds down, now they have to get to the right area. :D

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We are going back out tonight before open house. :cool:

Buddy said he counted 60 to 80 back on his wire last night, so it looks like they're in the right spot now.

I think he needed to mow his field a little sooner than he did and we would have been ok Saturday. It takes the birds a few days to find all the seed that the mower knocks down.

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