Mossberg 835 Test Pattern Report


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Thanks for the reporting on your initial pattern testing. You can learn a lot by seeing what is happening downrange. If I might give you some suggestions.

There will be a big difference in pattern performance between target loads and turkey loads. I would expect your combination to utterly destroy the head/neck of a turkey target at 25-30 yards. It is not really fair to rate your performance as a turkey choke yet. It needs to be tested with the ammo you would use for turkey hunting. I understand that all you had in posession at the time of the test was some target ammo. But don't use the target ammo's test results to choose or eliminate one choke tube over another. Also, step back to 40 yards and pattern the gun. This will tell you more about the pattern. If you get into the hevi shot or custom loads, even 50 yards is not out of hte question to pattern the gun.

There are a lot of things that will determine how the pattern falls. Shot size can make a big difference in how the pellets react to your particular gun. I have seen turkey guns that did not like #6 shot at all. They gave disapointing patterns with magnum #6 shot, but when they were used with #4 shot, they were superb.

Velocity also makes a big difference in patterns. Typically the faster the velocity the more open the pattern will be when the payload is the same. Slow down the shot speed and the pattern will come together. It has been a way of using a gun with fixed chokes for multiple purposes for a long time. for more open patterns, which would be used for upland hunting at closer ranges, the hunter would use chilled shot but that was going faster. This spread the pellets out. The same again if wanting to shoot longer range, just reduce the velocity and sometimes step up in pellet size to maintain the same energy.

Shell construction makes a big difference in performance. The wad's ability to protect the shot while it is being violently taken from rest to 1200 or more fps in microseconds, is a big factor in the pattern. The hardness of the shot is another big factor. Copper plated shot is often used in turkey loads. It makes the shot tougher and allows it to stay more uniform going downrange. Special buffers that are added to the payload that act like styrofoam peanuts between pellets also make a big difference in the pattern.

As you can see, there are some nuances that can make a big difference in downrange performance. The shooter could spend days and a butt load of money looking for the optimum choke/load combination. We all know that a standard factory full choke with 2 3/4" magnums will kill a turkey as dead as any 10 ga 3 1/2" magnum will, as long as the the bird is in range. Hunters that want the extra distance as a buffer zone for help cover up errors in range estimation, can get better performance but they need to do some work testing what works better for them.

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Re: Mossberg 835 Test Pattern Report

Thanks AJ I'm taking old king out this weekend to shoot about 5 or six different loads if his shoulder can handle it! I'm interested in these flight control wad- Federals so I picked up a box of 4's and 6's to try. My buddy Wild_Bill has a nova that likes Fed 4's and my bps likes 6's. It should be interesting to see what the Mossberg likes to eat.

Also have some 2 1/4 federal copper 4 and 6's and a few various winchesters. We'll get this rookie dialed in right if he can stand the pain cool.gif

If we don't get this guy out soon I'm afraid hes gonna blow a gasket.

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Re: Mossberg 835 Test Pattern Report

Well Camo I'm not going to be like a doctor and say it wont hurt much. After you put about 8 3.5 inchers down range it's gonna hurt like ****. In fact I'll darn near guarantee that after 5 or 6 you'll be ready to stop. At that point I'm going to remind you of something YOU said. LOL


ps - if i can stand looking & eating my mother inlaws food then i can stand some shoulder pain, besides no pain no gain

[/ QUOTE ]


wacoyote do i get a rookie of the year award if i bag a turkey this comming season ??

[/ QUOTE ] No, I'm afraid my 11 tear old daughter will get that award. We'll give you ex-city boy of the year or ex chowder eater of the year or something like that. LOL wink.gif

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