Experienced my first


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My first case of Hunter Harassment by some anti! mad.gif I was in the woods hunting about maybe 150 yards from the road over this trail that runs down to a brook on the property that I was hunting. While I was there I heard a vehicle drive by blowing the horn for about a minute and a half. It kept turning around and going back and forth I think because it seemed to be moving. It wasn't loud enough to bother anything in the woods and these antis are so stupid thinking that deer are afraid of a horn that they hear constantly throughout the day on roads. The realize these horns are sounding from a road and not inside ther domain... antis/treehuggers are idiots.

I'm tempted to go to there website and post recipes for whitetailed deer, furry gray squirrels and sweet lovey dovey bunnie shish kabob. grin.gif

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Re: Experienced my first


I would have gotten their license plate numbers.

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I was 150 yards into the woods and did not think it was going to continue. Still it only last for about 90 seconds and after the first 30 (while I was expecting it to quit), I would have had only 60 seconds to cover the distance and no way could have I made it out in time. Plus like I said, it was not very loud at all to me, just loud enough to let me know they were there. Wasn't worth messing up my hunt for.

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Re: Experienced my first

I would have gotten down and went over to them and had a talk. At least got their license number. Its a shame people have to be that way.

Last year I experienced my first hunter harrassment and it was from another hunter. He apparently didn't like my stand selection and started clapping and breaking every rotten tree on the way out of the woods. He then went and got his 3 wheeler and drove back into the words and made a ruckus. I should have reported it but I didn't want to ruin the rest of my season as they live up by our land we hunt on and we don't. Sometimes I think they know our land better than we do.

Hate to see people act this way, their mentality is unreal but maybe a trip by local law enforcement would make them change their ways. Next time this guy mess with my hunt I am calling the DNR on him.


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Re: Experienced my first


I would have gotten down and went over to them and had a talk. At least got their license number. Its a shame people have to be that way.

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Like I mentioned in my earlier post, there is no way I could have covered the distance to get to the road on time. Not too mention for the first 30 seconds or so, you expect them to leave. It would have given me only 1 minute to cover the distance. And again, it wasn't loud enough to really bother me or my hunt.. I just got irritated.

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Re: Experienced my first


When I posted my topic you didn't have yours posted so I could see your dilemma in not getting there. We must have been typing and posting as the same time.

What you do is put together a dummy and put it in your treestand to make it look like your hunting. Then you hide near the road and give them the scare of their life. I would think about a cam corder as well as video holds up real good in the court of law. Taped them anti's doing it and see what laws can be applied and make an example out of their stupidity.


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Re: Experienced my first

I have it lucky the landowners where we hunt, all embrace us hunting deer, and like to see some shot, becuase it means less getting into fields and bothering their crops. But the area where I am most of the onwers are all related and even though we all cover all lot of property, everyone knows who hunts where, and who they're related to.

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