Bloodrunner broadheads


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I used the 2 blade last year. I could not WAIT to shoot something with this head to see the damage!!

I got my chance quickly. I shot a doe opening day. Nice broadside shot. I was about 20' up and she was 20yds out. Nice entry, perfect exit.

I waited about an hour for my brother to show up and we took up the trail...or tried to. The bloodtrail was non existant. I was shocked. We ended up doing a grid search and my brother found her on a deer trail. She only ended up going about 100yds but we could not trail any blood to her.

I started to question the shot until we got to her and it was right where I thought it was. The entry hole was decent but the exit slit was about the size of a quarter. In other words the blades were closed upon exit.

When I first got these heads I was suprised to see that the blades did not stay open when they deploy. My first impression was that the spring tension was way to stiff. In other words it takes alot of force on the tip of the head to keep the blades open. If the blades hit anything solid in the body cavity(bones, ribs) they will close up. I also don't believe that there is enough tension on the tip once inside the body cavity to keep the blades open.

Either way, that was the one and only deer I shot with them. I sold them soon after. Not my ideal choice. They did what they were supposed to do. She died quickly. But if I didn't see the direction she ran the recovery would've been ALOT harder.

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