Hunting - preseason preparation


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Fello hunters...with archery season right around the corner, I was wondering what most of you do as your preseason preparation at this time of the year. I am assuming most are probably shooting some arrows on a somewhat frequent basis, but what else? Hanging treestands? Scouting with binos? Cardio/conditioning? Shopping for new gear? Absolutely notrhing? I'd like to hear what most are doing to get ready for the upcoming season.

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I shoot year round so that takes care of that part. Stands are all hung with all shooting lanes trimmed. I prefer to get that out of the way as early as possible to let the areas "settle" down. Bow is ready. Arrows are made. Broadheads have been shot. I'm basically ready.

About all I do from now until Sept 15th for prep is shoot from my treestand in my back yard and check trail cams every couple weeks until the first of the month. Once Sept comes I will check/set my cams one more time and then leave the areas until opening day.

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July 4th weekend I hang my stands, I've been hunting my own property for 21 years so I know where the deer will be come rut. I have 4 hung in funnel areas for the chase phase that usually hits the first week of November. I have a few hung on the fringe areas of the property, these are stands I can hunt early without buggering everything up on the property before the rut hits. Shooting arrows, and cutting as much firewood as I can so I don't have to be doing it during the hunting season, this also covers the cardio work out. LOL

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Got all my stands ready to go almost a month ago, so the areas would be fresh when season opens first weekend of September. Im staying out of the timber and away from my stands now, except to check cams, which I only check about every 10 days now. Been shooting the bow 4 or 5 nights out of the week, and have shot my broadheads and got them ready to go as well. Unless I am forgetting something, I think Im pretty much ready to hunt, except for washing up all my hunting clothes before putting them in a plastic container to keep them scent free.

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i always buy gear in the spring or after the season when the stuff is discounted. scouting while out and about with binos, hanging stands, clearing spots for a climber and/or shooting openings, and also checking trail cams. i'm going right now to check a cam actually. i've shot my bows all year long. basically i get normal stand locations that produce year in and year out ready, then i wait until the bucks shift from summer home ranges to get some more fine tuned and discrete locations ready, for a climber if at all possible.

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