Do you hate your trail cameras too?


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I dont really HATE them I just hate waiting to pull them I think I am going to rip my hair out before I go and pull them, how long do you let your cameras run before you pick them up. I'm having a hard time just making it a week. It's like a christmas gift you get to half unwrap and cant fully unwrap till season opens..........:bang:

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I know how you feel, I go thru withdrawl waiting to go see what is on them. I usually check mine at least two weeks apart, sometimes up to a month depending on where they are set up at. If they are at one of my feeders I have to pull them at two weeks, if not I will have over 12,000 pics on a single set which takes forever to download.

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I forgot to mention this is the first time I have had cameras on this property this early in the season. Typically they are there 2 weeks before gun season, (the owners are NON bow hunting people) just because of the location and distance. I KNOW there are some monsters that go into DEEP hiding durring gun season. this is also the first time I have had them set to take video' well see how that goes.

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The only time I really hate my camera...well really it's an I hate myslef when I make the mistake of setting a Reconyx Hyperfire on a mineral lick but make the mistake of having the camera set on trial mode. Why? There's no just keeps taking pictures in 3 pic blast...been there once...over 7,000 in a week that I now have to go through...ah mannnnnnnn.

OK your real question...I usually run mine for 1 to 2 weeks max but I move mine around a lot covering key places spread around 2,700 acres. If I was setting a cam and leaving it there to run for some time, I'd leave it alone longer so I wouldn't scent up the area. During the season, if I hunt a stand where I have a trail cam set, I always change the card no matter how long it's been there. The way I figure it...I'm already there somewhat disturbing the area and I'm dressed to reduce my scent profile as much as possible.

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I dont really HATE them I just hate waiting to pull them I think I am going to rip my hair out before I go and pull them, how long do you let your cameras run before you pick them up. I'm having a hard time just making it a week. It's like a christmas gift you get to half unwrap and cant fully unwrap till season opens..........:bang:

I know the feeling I just put mine out today I will let them sit for about 3-4 weeks now but after the season opens I will check on them weekly

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Seeing bucks now is all fine and good, but they will be doing the disappearing act as usual. Not a good idea to hammer the spots. I let the camera get he best of me this year. I swore not to use them and take what I get when hunting. Got bored, I guess. The best buck on cam so far is a yearling 4 point. How exciting....:turned:

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