Hanging Stands and Ticks Question


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Went out Sat. afternoon to hang stands. I wear my rubber boots and try to stay as scent free as possible. We'll, I got plumb ATE up by tiny, tiny ticks! Crawled up my jeans and onto my waist line and back. Looks like from my waist to shoulder blades, front and back - measles!!!!

Do you guys spray your clothing for ticks when hanging stands? I have been in the woods for over 42 yrs. and never had this! Had to use a butter knife and razor to get them off! 150 bites at least!!!!!

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Sounds like my last few trips into the woods this summer, except not near that bad. I usually have about 10 or so of the little ticks on each ankle when I come in. I think spraying your boots and pants legs would help keep them down but I never spray when Im hanging stands or checking cams or whatever. I just take a shower as soon as I get back to the house, and get them off before they have time to really bite. Last time out I wore lace up boots and tucked my pants down inside of the tops of my boots, and laced them up real tight. Seemed to help a little.

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I always spray when I'm hanging my stands before the season, unless it's within say ~2 weeks of opening day. Chiggers bother me a heck of a lot more than ticks! I don't believe 6+ weeks early (in your case) of hanging stands and spraying to protect yourself is going to affect the deer movement adversely by the time the season opens. That's especially true if you're hanging your stand on or near a food source that won't even be available to them until right before or during the season.

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i don't... i usually take a shower when i get home like ethan said though. i've started to wear compression base layers and it seems to help. i've got under amour heat gear that i use for turkey season, so it's not making me over heat while hanging stands.

...those that do spray use permetherin on clothing from what i know. it's good for 6 washes or so once treated.

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...those that do spray use permetherin on clothing from what i know. it's good for 6 washes or so once treated.

Some people swear by that stuff but I cant bring myself to use it. Permetherin is the active ingredient in most fly sprays for livestock. Every container of spray Ive ever looked at had a warning stating that if you got some spray on your skin, to rinse with water for 15 minutes and contact your physician. When that spray hits the cattle, the flies drop dead. I really dont want that stuff in my clothes, especially when Im sweating. It might not be near as concentrated but I still wouldnt want that stuff against my skin.

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i use certain clothes that are treated with Permetherin, the sprayed and treated clothes are hung out to air dry and used only when hanging stands, never have had a problem with contact from sweat on these clothes. a few years ago i found a bunch of pine scented skeeter and tick dope for 3 for a dollar at a dent and bent store., great stuff I use that on my boots, called Okeefanookee swamp juice.

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Some people swear by that stuff but I cant bring myself to use it. Permetherin is the active ingredient in most fly sprays for livestock....

I kind of have the same feeling. I don't use it, because I've gotten away with not using it. However, it has been out a while now. Also there's are differences in fly spray for livestock and the stuff you'd use. I've had multiple tick bitten people suggest it who feel horrible and arthitic from lyme disease. If i was getting as many ticks on me as blackranny, I'd use it or some other potent stuff.

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I agree with Todd on the deep woods off. The last two times I've went to change cards on the cameras I sprayed my rubber boots and pants just before I left (5 minutes). Each time these guys were on the camera the very same day after I left. Notice the time, I changed it that day at 10:00 am.


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Our ticks are bad only in may-June..after that they seem to drop off...havnt had a tick since then..and I work in the forest setting most days..as far as sprays go...if I do spray down..it's from my feet to my waist..thats where most ticks are going to latch on anyways..and YES I use Permitherin..ticks will fall right off on contact..Im less worried about residuals from that than the preservatives you have in todays food

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Went out Sat. afternoon to hang stands. I wear my rubber boots and try to stay as scent free as possible. We'll, I got plumb ATE up by tiny, tiny ticks! Crawled up my jeans and onto my waist line and back. Looks like from my waist to shoulder blades, front and back - measles!!!!

Do you guys spray your clothing for ticks when hanging stands? I have been in the woods for over 42 yrs. and never had this! Had to use a butter knife and razor to get them off! 150 bites at least!!!!!

That dosen't sound like ticks but chiggers too me they are bad here in North Carolina too when its hot

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I haven't had a tick in 15 years. I got one of those little buggers this summer. I am now battling lymes desease. Let me tell you the deet would have probably helped had I had it on. Makes me now think I'm not invincible. My doctor caught it early so hopefully it can be put under control.

Lymes comes from deer ticks. The little ones. The bacteria that is given off from the tick is a bacteria that is carried by only 3 other mammals. 1.) a deer 2.) a rabbit 3.) a mouse. Go figure. 1 tick bite in years and I get this junk. I should play the lottery now.

Moral of the story protect yourself.

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Lymes comes from deer ticks. The little ones. The bacteria that is given off from the tick is a bacteria that is carried by only 3 other mammals. 1.) a deer 2.) a rabbit 3.) a mouse. Go figure. 1 tick bite in years and I get this junk. I should play the lottery now.

Moral of the story protect yourself.

The Lyme bacteria is unfortunately carried by more than just deer ticks. Any tick can carry bacteria and likely will pass it on to you whether you see a bite or not. This bacteria can be transmitted by mosquitos also because they live long enough to bite several critters, including you. Make sure your doctor considers co-infections otherwise you may never get well. Trust me!

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I spray my clothes with permathrin . This stuff works, period. If it was bad for you there would be flags all over the place not to use it. You need to take heed of the warnings with any chemical including all of those you use everyday. The consequences of Lyme's disease are far worse than what you might have from using the chemical.

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I spray my clothes with permathrin . This stuff works, period. If it was bad for you there would be flags all over the place not to use it. You need to take heed of the warnings with any chemical including all of those you use everyday. The consequences of Lyme's disease are far worse than what you might have from using the chemical.

+1 :yes:

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