Mismatched Torque on Limb-bolts


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I looked at the limbs on my bow today after making a small increase in the draw weight and noticed there was a mild difference between the distance from the limb to the riser on the top and bottom limbs. The top is just barely touching the riser (or is very close to touching), whereas the bottom limb has visible separation. Hopefully you can see it better in the pictures below. What I'm wondering is, is this an accurate way to tell that there is a difference in torque between the top and bottom limb bolts? I've always been careful to make sure I'm turning the two bolts equal distances, but I suppose this could be an accumulation of lots of small differences over time. Also, would tightening both bolts all the way up (without over-tightening, of course) till both are snug ensure that I have equal tension on both limbs? I just don't want to continue shooting it if there isn't equal tension for fear of losing performance or breaking something.


Top limb


Bottom limbAlso, I've been getting a lot of string noise recently and my upper string silencer (part of the factory Diamond silencing kit) has worn off all of the branches. I'll be having those replaced soon but could this string noise also be a product of the problem above?Thanks for any help!



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an out of tune bow is going to have more vibration and noise. my string silencers came flying off after the first dozen shots. i replaced them with limbsaver everlast leeches and have been on since.

turn both limb bolts all the way in. your tiller is set at the factory with both your limb bolts turned all the way in. use a felt pen marker and mark a line on the limb bolt head and spacer under it. now you can turn each bolt exactly the same full turn or turns out. also if your bow is a single cam bow then you can measure the tiller by running a string from axle to axle and measuring from that.

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Perfect. Thanks again! I'll do that first thing tomorrow.

i've called up Diamond/Bowtech before and they're always helpful with telling me draw stop position, cam rotation, and other spec info for my setup. My now backup bow is a Gander Mountain TecHunter Elite made by Diamond. If you still have got any issues or have any other questions just ask.

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