bow press PLEASE HELP


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my string came off of the cam and i went to a local bow shop and had it put on and fixed. heres my delema, me and my buddy have come to realize we need a bow press a good bit. i know someone who had a bow press made but he doesnt actually know how it was done. does ANYONE know how i can make one please help. Thank you ahead of time

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it's honestly worth it just to buy a cheaper capable press. i've got the Apple Archery Edge press, but a really good one is the Last Chance Archery EZ Green Press. The difference is with my Edge press i can't fully relax the limbs and it takes some setup time to press a bow. Both are between $350 and $400. Most homemade presses I know of copy the concept of the EZ Press.

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The materials to complete this press cost about $150. Or, if you don't want to mess with all of the internal components you can buy a square trailer jack, weld on some arms and fingers to each end, mount it to the wall and you're good to go. I think I saw it called the Redneck's EZ press...

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