Tominator hunt updates


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I am starting this thread so that everything said here is factual and unembellished. You know how Tominator is-

Chris, Shawn and Tom came in last night about 11:15. I had camp set up and they unloaded a god-awful amount of gear. Who would think to bring snowshoes for an October bow hunt? I guess Chris likes to be prepared.

While Chris and Shawn were unloading, I snuck Tom (ohiobucks) to a nearby honeyhole where he will start today's hunt. It has a picked cornfield to the west and an unpicked field to the south. He is in a valley with a bedding area to the north and a knife-ridge to the east that leads to another bedding area.

This spot is right behind the camp.

(It doesn't hurt that I saw and about hit 6-8 deer while driving that road at dusk coming in to camp.)

Chris and Shawn came in July and picked some stand sites where they will spend the next couple of days. I'll let them wear themselves out before I take them by the hand and lead them to the deer. It would be rude to point out their errors too early in the hunt. One thing that is not to be tolerated is rudeness laugh.gif I may change my mind after a meal of Chris's polish sausage and sour kraut.

The deer were out last night. I had to brake for 8 groups of deer on my way home at 1 AM.

need2hunt is coming in about noon today and I have a couple of spots in mind for him, depending on the wind.

After everybody is tucked in, I'll head out to another area so maybe I can get in on the action too.

More daily updates coming on this thread as they happen.

Good luck all!

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Re: Tominator hunt updates

Just got home from deer camp. It was almost 1 Am last night so I am looking forward to a little sleep tonight.

The boys got to bed a little late last night and slept in a little too long this morning. Yesterday's rain passed off to the east and we enjoyed a partly sunny day. Last night's north wind gave way to a south and west wind today and tonight.

West winds are really tough on this farm. The valleys run E-W and the wind gusts up the valleys and swirls at each ravine. All of the boys complained of swirling wind and blowing deer.

Gary(need2hunt) came in about 2PM and I hustled him out to look at a couple spots I have picked out.

He chose to hunt a spot I call the sink hole for the evening hunt. He told me that he had wind from every direction tonight so he struck out. I think he'll hunt another spot tomorrow AM where we found a scrape the size of a truck hood.

Tominator proved again his practical and conservative self today by passing up shots at a yearling buck and a young doe.

Ohiobucks saw a good buck this evening but had no shot. It was about 70 yards out. He saw just one deer this morning. We all got caught off guard with the shifting winds.

Shawn got into some deer today but did not have a shot.

I sat in a popup tonight and planned to pick off a doe that I have seen every afternoon. Wouldn't you know, today she was a no-show.

That is probably the best as I had a hard time with my bow today in a friendly little shooting contest.

Shawn, Chris and Tom all were right on the spot with their shooting. I am just not in-tune with my new bow just yet and will be shooting some more tomorrow. My old High Country developed a twisted riser and was not safe to shoot anymore. I got a PSE Typhoon a couple of weeks ago and it is quiet and fast, but I flinch a little I guess as I spray some of my shots.

Anyways, tonight I saw just two groups of deer on my way home. I could have killed a couple of them if I so wished. That may be the only way I score this week.

The guys are getting along real well and I am enjoying our time together. All 4 of them are top-notch hunters.

Chris is getting a little jumpy wondering what I am saying about him. He wanted me to bring a laptop so he could defend himself. I told him not to worry.

You all will have to ask him about his new decoy idea he is testing at camp. He calls it his 'Lucky Buck' I have pix, but they may not be appropriate for this venue. You just have to ask him.

Wish us luck that the wind will die down. It is supposed to stay in the west and gust up to 20 mph over the next couple of days.

That is all for tonight.

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Re: Tominator hunt updates

ohiobucks scores first!!!!

Tom whacked a big doe this evening. She went about 75 yards down the hill and it was an easy recovery.

Chris drew on another one at dusk but did not have enough light for an ethical shot.

Gary was on some deer again today.

Shawn had some deer working for him as well.

They are seeing some bucks, but none of the big guys I videoed in August. They are seeing deer at just about every sit

The day was once again windy with gusts up to about 35mph. Once again it came from the west.

It is to get down to about 35 tonight with the wind to lay down. I believe the wind will be coming out of the north tomorrow. That should open up some new spots to hunt.

Congrats to ohiobucks on his bowkill.

More tomorrow-

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Re: Tominator hunt updates

What a glorious day! It started out at about 35 degrees but warmed to nearly 60 by 4PM. The lady bugs were out by the thousands today.

I took my son to camp today to visit with the boys. Chris and Shawn came out in the summer to scout around and my son Lane met them at that time. We had been praying for Chris and baby Joey(Joseph Horst) at each meal and I wanted him to have a chance to meet Chris and his friends. It has been a great opportunity for my 5 year old son.

The boys saw mostly coyotes this AM. 2 ran under Chris' stand without giving him a shot and two others slipped by him as well. Shawn lobbed an arrow at one but missed at 45 yards. I am surprised since all of the guys can really shoot. I think Chris is ahead money wise on their daily target practice.

I came home early tonight to avoid all of the deer on the roads. It gets harrowing dodging deer each night on my trip home from deer camp.

One of my farmers stopped by again today to share some of his experiences in deer hunting the farm. Marvin gun hunts it and has for 25 years, so his advice is welcome. We showed the guys around the back side of the farm this afternoon and they are trying some new places. Perhaps God will smile upon them tonight and in the next couple of days.

need2hunt will be going home on Monday. He has been a good person to share time with. He really pitched in last night in tracking and dragging Tom's deer out of the woods. That kind of help is greatly appreciated in anybody's camp. I have invited him back later in the season.

Chris and boys will be hunting thru Tuesday. We are expecting rain coming in tonight. These fronts are often good in getting deer to move. Maybe they'll get lucky.

I'll post some pix of Tom's deer as soon as I can. I have several shots remaining on the roll and hoped to get a few more deer before I develop them.

Good luck to all!

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