Who here likes curry?


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Anyone on here love curry as much as I do? I love crazy spicy things, and one of my favourites is the chicken fried in east indian curry sauce over a bed of balsamic rice! Vindaloo is my favourite, also have Balti. Mom's cooking some up right now and man does it smell good! That with some warm Naan bread on the side. Yummy!

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Same here...but down south we're used to eating a lot of things people north of the Mason Dixon would think is bait too!

this may be true... i don't like it. it's not horrible, but i still don't care for it. i actually went with an old co-worker who was indian to a place that was supposedly very good food for curry.

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Because I work for a combustion company (think Oil) I get to eat a lot of different things. I like curry too and most Indian food.

I really like spicy food though. Ive even converted my wife to eating very, very hot foods. Still, one of my favorite places to eat is Louisana. I love me some cajun, especially when they turn up the heat.

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