Fustrated and the Season isnt even Here!!!!!


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:no:I have been asking to hunt private and with all answer being NO HUNTERS ALLOWED! or well too many people hunt my farm already. So I also been scouting public land to find treestand everywhere I think a good spot might be. Went to my honey hole that I shoot a decent 10 point at last year and found Treestands with 40yds.

Sorry If I am rambling but I just need to Vent somewhere.

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If you show up on the public land first in the morning it is your spot, correct? The farm I am hunting now has too many hunters but I am not letting that stop me from putting a stand up 100 yards from some other guys. Last year one of his buddies put up a stand on a tree i marked and right across a creek from my ground blind which he DID see. I hunt with the owners nephew though, so we win if it gets ugly.

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i hunt private land mostly here in the northeast. it's all family that hunt the land. problem is there's a lot of us and most of the land is ag fields. the woods get busy in a hurry. you kind of have to learn to work with the others if it's private land. public land you've got to get up earlier, be respectful, and deal with a disrespectful hunter here and there. trying to find public land will just take some time. go to be patient.

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I've never had any success just asking farmers to hunt their land if I don't have any family/friend connection to the farm. Focus on personal relationships that may pan out to hunting opportunities. As for public land, going deep into difficult to access places is the only real option IMHO. This works, but makes for a long drag out of the woods with a deer.

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Knocking on doors has worked for us before. We have found access to 2 urban areas and one track of 20 acres that an older lady owned. Actually I had been there with my uncle in his car but the lady never saw my car, well I showed up in my car during gun season and she stuck her head out the window and yelled have fun before I ever got to the door to tell her who i was that afternoon.

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If you get a chance get a copy of the latest issue of Petersons Deer Hunting. I just got mine in the mail a few days ago. It has a great article about what I like to do, suburban deer hunting. For example, there is 8-10 acres behind my church. I went for walk out back and found it was full of deer. In the spring go for a drive and look for homes that have deer netting on their shrubs because of deer damage. You will find that they are anxious for you to shoot their deer. One of my best spots is on our local golf course.

Edited by RangerClay
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as a land owner let me tell you there is nothing worse than someone showing up to ask to hunt around season. My suggestions would be to show up in the dead of summer when they are bailing hay and jump in and help. How about during milking time in the evening to chop cows, spread bedding. There are 2 people allowed to hunt my ground, one is my brother, the other is my neighbor who helps me cut my wood every fall. Good luck, but remember we have to sacrifice alot to own ground, it would be nice if people would be willing to sacrifice a little to hunt it.

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as a land owner let me tell you there is nothing worse than someone showing up to ask to hunt around season. My suggestions would be to show up in the dead of summer when they are bailing hay and jump in and help. How about during milking time in the evening to chop cows, spread bedding. There are 2 people allowed to hunt my ground, one is my brother, the other is my neighbor who helps me cut my wood every fall. Good luck, but remember we have to sacrifice alot to own ground, it would be nice if people would be willing to sacrifice a little to hunt it.

this is some advise that should come with a guarantee. great advice right there.

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