Team 8....The Clique


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Well, our first season came and gone this past weekend for firearms. Only thing I ended up with is a blown knee. Took a step out of a creek bottom and the knee said I don't want to do that and popped. I spent all day yesterday and the Dr., the surgeon, the hospital for XRays and another place for an MRI. I am off work now, so this may get me more time in the woods. I just have to park the ATV ALOT closer to the stand or blind. I did see deer this weekend and majority of them were bucks, but too far out with a slug. Guys, great deer so far, and may you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. Wade

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Well today started the day of put every one else (brothers, cousin & my wife) in my spots and sit around hunting with binos. Should of had one of them sit at the house. I watched 7 bucks on the north side of the property 3 which will definately be an upgrade. Tomarrow is another day...Happy Thanksgiving guys! Good luck!

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I'm back from update and no kills to report for me while bowhunting there. No arrows launched either. Overall, pretty good hunt. Deer movement was very slow the 1st 2 days. A few very young bucks was about all I saw those 2 days. I'm pretty sure the mature bucks were in lock down. It really broke loose the 3rd day...I had a 175 class 10 point following a doe in around 11:00. She paused at ~25 yards and when he closed in she broke to her right and looped back where she'd come from. He looped back shot opportuity that way even though he was ~30 yards. If she had kept coming on the trail...12 yard broadside shot opportunity. Between then and 1:00 4 more bucks were seen making the really nice mature 8 too. Saw the big 10 again the 2nd to the last day ~9:15 following a doe heading north ~60 yards east of me. The weather killed us the last day. Rain with winds 25 to 30 & gust to 50 almost shut down deer movement. Hard to stay in a tree too! Overall, I can't complain...seeing a buck that big sure makes a hunt. I saw 3 other shooter class bucks (all 8 points 140 class or slightly better) with one ~15 yards from me the 4th morning. After seeing that big 10 I'd made up my mind to hunt him or another big 10. There was one 3.5 year old 10 point I called Old Faithfull. I saw him the 1st time on the 3rd all I had him inside 15 yards 8 different times before my hunting time ran out. It got to the point I expected to see him every now and then...and I did. He wasn't a shooter this year, even if he hadn't had 2 broken tines but he'll sure be a niceun next year. Hope he's still a regular there in 2012.

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Well our gun season is over as is my hunting season. I did pretty good gun season. I got a nice 8 pointer on Monday the 21st. He wasn't the biggest buck, but he was a my first with a gun. He won't upgrade our score any either. He had every tine broken off just below the tips. I am not sure if he was a bully buck or just took a lot of abuse. He was bedded up with a doe and came busting out of our pine trees. It took me 4 shots but the last one got him. I ended up donating the meat and plan on getting a Euro mount done. He weighed in at 160 lbs.

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Congrats lou! Hard to believe your hunting season is over. Our gun + PW seasons run through the end of January. I'll be breaking out the iron for the 1st time this year before long.

Our hunting season runs until mid January sometime, it's just my season that is over. December and January get pretty busy for me so I just pack up my gear and start getting ready for next year.

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I have to get all the pics posted, but I connected with this guy last Saturday. Congrats to everyone who has connected so far.


Congrats Jim...when you get your pics posted in the entry thread we'll have a 22 point lead instead of the 9 we currently have after the scores were updated the other day.

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No hunting for me since the 19th when I tore my knee up on opening weekend. I just had surgery yesterday on it and it feels great for the first day since surgery. Doc is saying that by the weekend I could be back out as long as there is no ice. I will put my blind up again and hopefully hunt out of it this weekend if the knee continues to get better. I still have this weekend which is second season of firearm and the next weekend which is muzzleloader. I will do my best to get somemore points on the board. Stay SAFE and enjoy the time in the woods. Wade

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Hope that knee continues to heal fast, Wade. Good luck on your hunt.

I'll be back at it this weekend, hoping for an upgrade.

I haven't been getting any pics on my trail cam for awhile, which had me stumped. There were fresh tracks out in front of the cam but no pics. So the other day when I was out, I checked the batteries, they were good so I thought my cam had given up the I was closing the door I noticed a notification on the screen "Loc" SD card was locked so it wasn't storing any pics. Now I have no idea what's been in the area over the past few weeks! LOL......oh well....

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Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to upgrade my doe during gun season. Only ended up seeing does during daylight.

I had a nice 12 pointer visiting my stand the 3 days prior to the opener but I never saw him. My little cousin ended up shooting him though and I can honestly say I'm happy for him as he is 11. The cool part is that they ended up finding about 2 inches of a broken tine in the neck of it. Must have been a heck of a fight and he is lucky to not have severed a blood vessel.

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Any of you guys have an update to how your season is going?





Been swamped at work so not much time to get on the computer. Been getting out on the weekends though, finally seeing some deer but not getting in range. Gun season for me will start up soon so we will see if i can connect. You know this Benji boy, we have been keeping up via text message! lol

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Silverfox: I have been giving updates. Been out a bunch for bow, too far away and been out our first firearms season and blew out my knee. I just had surgery on it Tuesday, the 29th. Our second firearm season is this weekend starting today through Sunday. I am planning on getting out in a ground blind maybe Saturday or Friday evening depending on the pain and weather conditions. We have a ML season coming up the following weekend and am planning on being out there the whole time. I will bag you something, just had an unfortunate pop in my knee on the 19th and an unplanned surgery. Wade, Sorry I haven't bagged anything yet.

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I went out tonight for muzzle loader opener. We will find out tomorrow morning wether I was able to upgrade. Had a monster come in. Field was full of deer. I was sitting in a little blown over cherry tree on a fence row between two fields. I was covered up by deer. A big boy came in. I fired and missed. I was able to lay flat on the ground and reload sit back up and fire a second shot, with out a single deer blowing out.....on the second shot the buck was the only one to leave. I might have shot over his back as I think I may have misjudged the distance as he was on a hill higher than I was and my range finder wasn't working. Went to go look for him and my younger brother had a nose bleed start and couldnt get it under control so we backed out till the morning..... gonna be a long night........ :bang:

Hard to look for a blood trail looking like this -->


Edited by mikewink
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Last Thursday I hit the woods here in MS...1st time back in my home turf since I killed the 12 point on Nov. 4th. The MS rut is just starting to heat up a bit. Mostly younger bucks in the game though. Spent some time in a tree but when the weather turned warm I focused on getting 3 trail cams I used in KS set near some of my stands and getting a few more gun hunting spots ready. I had left 2 Cuddeback cams running while I was on the road. One caught this buck that's been MIA since January last year. He was a main frame 11 last he's either an 11 or 12 point...can't tell for sure from the profile view and there's a problem with that dang camera. Here's the problem I'm talking about.


What the heck causes one to do that? I sure don't know! Anyway...I have an another Cuddeback that eats batteries every 8 days (I hardly ever use it). I'm going to see if swapping out the cameras will solve the problem. If not...I'll be down to using 1 old Cuddeback Expert and my 3 Reconyx cams. Reconyx Covert is set where I caught this same back last year during daylight hours. I set a stand there yesterday too. I honestly hope my young buddy that helped me set the stand yesterday gets a crack at him 1st (he's never killed a nice buck).

While I was in KS my young buddy was hunting my ground blind and had an encounter with the same wide 8 point I had at 32 yards before a young buck stepped between us. He never got in bow range for him though. He did get a good trail cam pic of him while I was in KS. Here it is...cropped from the original.


This is the same one I previously posted pics of while he was still in velvet.

Happy hunting teammates!

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Great bucks Al. Good luck to you and you're little buddy.

I'm headed out Thursday for our last weekend of deer season. I doubt I will be able to upgrade my 8 pt though. We have been getting some good pics of 6 8pts and a few 10pts but they are all 1.5-2.5 years old. So, if any of them walk out, even the 10s they will walk and I will hopefully hammer their girlfriend. We shall see what happens.

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Here is an update on the nose bleed buck. I spent all day Saturday and Sunday searching the corn field I shot at the big buck in. I found no blood or hair what so ever in the 150 yards the deer covered across the field before getting to the woods. I searched the wood line and an old grown over road that runs parallel with the field edge 15 yards inside the wood line it is a major runway. I walked the old road and checked and double checked every trail leading off the field and the old road. Not a single drop. Which didn't make sense. As the deer appeared to be hit hard as he exited the field. I thought I saw him cross the north side of the field late last night as I was combing the west side of the field. I resigned yesterday that I had plain ole missed him twice. I even shot my muzzle loader yesteday to check that it hadn't been bumped. Dead nutz at 100yards. So it must have been me.

I decided to go hunting again tonight. I sat in a treestand 40 yards north of where I had sat on the ground and shot at the big buck. Tonight the wind was blowing pretty stiff from the north. The temperature took a severe dip after I got into the stand at about 3:15 pm. I saw my first deer about 4:00 in the field to the east, on the far south side about 250 yards away. I am sitting on a fence row that runs north/south between 2 cut corn fields, 1 field to the east 1 to the west. At about 4:05 deer started pouring out of the south edge of the corn field to my west. 10-12 deer quickly closed to with in 40 to 100 yards. Feeding quickly to the north. A buck came out following the does I could see that he was wider than his ears, but I couldn't get a look as I was getting glare from the setting sun in my bino's and scope as the deer was straight to the west. He closed to about 100 yards then to about 85 yards when I could see he sported multiple points on both sides. I shot he took 3 steps and fell. I walked up to him, 9 pointer 17 wide, broken G2 and appears to be a broken drop tine too....

The ole smoke pole did the job. So you think a guy would be excited right?! Here is the deal. This buck was the same distance away at the big buck from 3 nights ago. I swear that I hit that big buck with my second shot. When I walked up to the buck from tonight I hit the buck right were I was aiming. Right in the bread basket. Here is where my hair pulling starts. I roll this buck over no exit wound, not a single drop of blood......I walk the 400 yards back to the house get my truck and drive out to the field. Load the buck into my truck still no blood. I haul the buck in the back of my truck 800 yards to my gutting spot. Pull him back out of my truck still no blood.....I am shooting 200 grain Thompson Center Shockwave Sabots pushed by 100 grains of 50/50. Now I am wondering if the same thing happened the other night, now I am second guessing wondering if that buck is laying out there...........Time to start feeling sick again......



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