Team 6....Whitetail Freaks


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Went yesterday after work, kinda late getting to the stand, but it's the final 7 days. Saw nothing. Weather is still crap after the tornadoes passed through the region last weekend, it's still too freakin hot and more bad weather tonight predicted. Will try to go as much as possible to hopefully get a little luck late in the game, but it's not looking hopeful. I'll actually be kinda glad come Feb 1, I sure am ready to get this season behind me, it's been a bad one.

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There is now weight to be pulled John. Its all in the spirit of teamwork and fun. Just a few of us are luckier than you this year. No doubt few worked as hard as you have. It isn't suppose to be like work. It is suppose to be fun. Congrats on a great season. We had a lot of posts here which makes it that much better.

Edited by PotashRLS
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I had a great time too guys, sorry I rode you red about posting your doe. Just wanted to get up on the board in fist place. Sometimes its ok not to get a buck down because it sure make you appreciate the the next one you get and Im sure you will get a nice one next year. And congrats to the rest of the team. Perhaps next year we could ask the powers that be that if someone who signs up on a team dosnt respond by a certain date to have them removed from the team before season, just a thought

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No apology needed, I shoulda posted her up front. I guess after so many years taking decent bucks I just don't worry about entering them, along with our liberal season of 16 weeks and 5 does. But it wont happen again, next year I'm carrying pencil and paper and taking a pic of the first big fat nanny I get a pass through on opening weekend.... lol (good Lord willing).

I did get my freezer full, 3 bow does, no misses, no lost deer, 2 pw does all spread over 3 counties, my lease and some private and family land. Went out today and only saw one buck, last legal shooting light, came out at 20 yards and I could not get a shot at him (a little thick there) he was a young 2.5 y/o 4pt really tall, brow tines not scoreable but I would have shot him on that little 48 acre tract today if he would have stepped out better. I caught myself grinning from ear to ear on the way back to the truck thinking how much your heartbeat can accelerate when you want to shoot something, but any other time it never misses a beat just looking at them. That's what I love so much about bowhunting, it only takes a doe at close range to get me going, hope I never lose that.

Will be back at it in the morning, going to my lease, have to step up the rack size a tad, but will give it another shot. Season closes Tuesday, days are getting long, just hope to find a buck trying to pack in some calories in a plot after the rut. We'll see how it goes.

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Who on our team did not respond??

Shane B was on a couple times that I saw but never posted up anything..although he did shoot a doe early on..he never took a photo.. last checked in at Thanksgiving,...then he kinda dropped off the map.. hope he didnt think we gave him the cold shoulder, he did mention he was busy at work

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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They were really moving this morning, first weekend day in many I didn't hunt, but I've about thrown in the towel. Will probably go Tuesday just to say I capped it off.

Good morning, all my buds saw deer. Read this thread for a summary of the 12pt I had on cam and his near demise:

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I'd give it one last shot this afternoon, but I know my wife has had her fill of it a long time ago, lol. Got to look forward to next year, and hopefully a good turkey encounter or two in between. I got to work harder next year, more stands, more trail cams out in late summer, maybe a couple more mineral sites. Something just isn't going right for us on our 1,500 acres, seem to be backing up in buck quality/quantity. I'll probably go out this weekend close to my house and start working on baiting hogs, maybe I can post one or two in the bow room in a month or so.

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