Hunting Books


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i like pat mcmanus. you'll learn nothing about hunting but you'll smile not learning it.... lol

I am in the middle of Kerplunk! by McManus. I have laughed at every story in that book. I also finished up "If you didn't bring Jerky...What did I just eat" by Bill Heavy. I laughed at most of the stories and there are a few that will bring you to tears.

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I really liked the politically incorrect guide to hunting. its a good read and also arms you with useful information if you are caught in a debate about why hunting should be banned. and for me its proved useful because i actually have actually had a few debates with a friend of mine that is vegan and doesn't like hunting. In the end we are a lot alike, in the aspect we both love nature but i choose to hunt and eat meat and he doesnt

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Here's a few:

"The Art & Science of Patterning Whitetails" by James Kroll & Gorden Whittington

"Solving the Mysteries of Whitetail Movement" by James Kroll & Ben Koerth

"Come November" by Gene Wensel

"Once Upon a Time" by Barry Wensel (Funny things happen to Barry when he hits the woods)

Right now I'm reading Gene Wensel's newest book "Buckskin and Bone"

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I am in the middle of Kerplunk! by McManus. I have laughed at every story in that book. I also finished up "If you didn't bring Jerky...What did I just eat" by Bill Heavy. I laughed at most of the stories and there are a few that will bring you to tears.

"If you didnt bring jerky, what did I just eat" by Bill Heavey is an excellent book.

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