Planning time off around hunting


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How many of you have or are planning any time off around your work schedule?

I've already put in for time off in November so essentially I will have a whole 5 days off in a row - Nov. 3-7:) Right smack about when the rut is starting. And if by chance I've filled my bow buck tag, I've got time to turkey and/or goose hunt.

And the good news is the opening weekend of shotgun season is during my schedule weekend off, so I won't miss anything, lol:yes:

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Since I don't work much anymore I really don't need to. When I did work though, I always planned time off to coincide with the best rutting dates here at home. I also took off the 1st week of bowseason unless something came up with work where I had to be there. That 1st week or so of bowseason is the best time to kill bucks here outside of rutting activity. I've also been making annual trips to take advantage of other state's November rut since the early 90's. Our rut usually doesn't crank up until ~20th of December. That's just for deer hunting. I always made time for spring turkey season too but I could make a morning hunt & still be back in the office by ~10:30...earlier during daylight savings time. Daylight savings time used to last through the 1st 2 weeks of our turkey season. Not anymore!

Since I don't have to work much anymore I can pick and choose my hunting days at home based on weather and hunter pressure. When hunting on road trips there is no tomorrow so you take what the weather gives you and stay in the woods all day.

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I realized this year that I haven't taken more than a day or two off in two years:no: and I would be loosing some vacation time if I didn't use it. So.... I've put in for time off in late October(ML season) and Thanksgiving week(first week of rifle). :D So ready for deer season to get here!

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i tried to take some vacation time , but as short handed as we are, my boss said it would have to be worked out between my relief and myself, so basically im screwed, im not going to ask anyone to work 6 straight weeks so i can go hunting somewhere....but i do work two weeks on two weeks off. however the weeks are in the wrong slot for the hunting areas i go except for pheasant hunting, its right on schedule, so yeah im happy.....

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