My Buck Officially Made B&C


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Well as soon as I get all my pictures together with my paper work and send it in with the entry fee.

Early friday afternoon I took the buck I killed this past bowseason to the official scorer. He scores for both Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young. The official scorer is also a whitetail deer biologist with the MDWF&P. When I brought it in he said it looks like it will be close. He then asked me if I had it green scored. I said yes, I did it myself. I get a weird look and he tells me he had scored a few deer before that missed the book by only 1/8”. I knew what he was thinking so I told him I had unofficially scored over 50 bucks and I green scored him honestly. I told him I got a net green score of 177 1/2 and I expected after the 60 day drying period that he would net around 175. Heck I knew if I fudged I would only be cheating myself. He told me he needed a couple of hours to score him so I went home to pace and pack to go to our hunting club to locate some more turkeys.

The official scorer called me late Friday afternoon. The 1st thing he did was congratulate me. I was so fired up saying great, thanks, etc. that a few minutes into the conversation he asked “Did I tell you the score yet?” ooo.gif I said “well, no you didn’t yet”. To say the least I was fired up. He said 175 1/8. I couldn’t resist saying (in a laughing manner) I wasn’t too far off huh? He just laughed. cool.gif I guess he’s had a lot of experience with hunters that fudge on their own score. I bee lined it to his office to pick up my buck and go through and sign all the paperwork for both B&C and P&Y. Here’s the final numbers off the official score sheet. He officially scores as a 6x5.

182 7/8 Gross Score

-7 6/8 (Deductions for symmetry)

175 1/8 Final (Net) Score

The majority of the deductions are from the end of the left G-4 being broken off (I guess in a fight) and the NT kicker point off the back of the right brow tine.

Get your favorite frosty beverage out and have one for me. smile.gif Time for me to write a couple of checks now and enjoy one with you. Cheers grin.gif

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Re: My Buck Officially Made B&C

Thanks everybody.

Looks like I won't get the package in the mail to B&C until Tuesday. I sent B&C an email for clarification regarding a couple of their questions. I also have to get my taxidermist address to include in one of these forms. His shop is in the country and I'm not going to call him at home on a Sunday. I also forgot to get the jawbone from him that I asked him to save for me. B&C request that to get the age data or the actual age data if it was already aged. It's not a mandatory requirement but I sure want to accomodate them with it if my taxidermist still has it.

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