Deer Hunting Safety Survey

Team Realtree

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If it can save someone's life or prevent even one injury to a hunter, Realtree is glad to help medical researchers gather information to help prevent accidents in the field. Please take a few minutes of your time to read the request below and fill out a short survey at the link provided to help as well. Thanks folks! S

Deer Hunting Safety Survey

Attention deer hunters! Please take some time to complete this deer hunting safety survey. I am a midwest deer hunter, and an emergency medicine resident physician. I have developed this survey to attempt to identify how deer hunters are injured, what contributed to the injury, and hopefully what can be done to prevent injuries. The survey should only take 5 minutes to complete.

Your response is completely anonymous. You will not be asked to give any information that would in any way identify you, and we will not contact you in any way after your complete the survey. Your response would be greatly appreciated. My research has been approved by the institutional review board (IRB). I have asked for and received permission from Realtree to post this survey. Here is the link to the survey. Thanks for your help with my research.

Hunter Safety Survey Link

Joe Hauter D.O.

Emergency Medicine

Deer Hunter[/font]

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I think that there is more information needed on hunting harnesses that leave you hanging in the air when you fall. You can die from suspension trauma in as little as 2 min. but most still say they are saving your life. There are a couple of new ones that have a release handle to let you descend safely to the ground. More info should be released on the suspension trauma. There is a false sense of safety by not knowing about the suspension trauma and blood pooling in your legs before someone can help get you down.More lives would be saved for sure if more info is gained.

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Survey is taken.

I was surprised. After answering questions, I realized I haven't been practicing safety as much as I thought I had been. It was eye-opening in that I rated safety as very important in one answer but do not wear a harness climbing, descending, or putting up a tree stand.

Guess I may have to re-evaluate how I do things!

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