need advise please.


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I purchased arrows with blazer vanes on them, I need to know if i can shoot them out of a whisper biscut rest, or will they tear up the rest to much. I can refletch them with the traditional 5 inch vanes that I've always used. I also have a drop away rest, but to be honest at my age I like the KISS method. ( Keep it simple stupid)

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You will have no problem, I have acctually experienced more "problems" with the longer fletchings and the whisker biscuit. If you take a 4 or 5 in fletching arrow and pull it through the biscuit slowly, you will see that they twist as they go through. That said I have never saw any problems where they didn't fly straight due to this, it just looks to me that it has the potential to cause more problems than the shorter 2 in fletchings.

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