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A guy gets pulled over by a police officer. Officer asks for the guy's license and proof of insurance. Guy replies "My license has been revoked because of too many DWI's and this ain't my car. Matter of fact, the gun in the glove box is what I used to jack this car and the owner is tied up in the trunk." The officer steps back, draws his weapon and radios his supervisor for back up. Upon arrival, the supervisor approaches the car, asks the guy for his license and proof of insurance. The guy replies "Sure officer, here's my license and insurance card." The supervisor is a little taken back and asks "Do you have any weapons in the vehicle?" "Oh no sir, I don't carry a weapon" the guy replies. The supervisor says "This officer said your license is revoked and you have a gun and the owner of the car is tied up in the trunk." To which the guy replies "I guess he told you I was speeding too!?!?!"

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nice! don't think i know anyone that's tried that. lol

here's another one...

Police officer is about to retire and it's his last day. Heading out for patrol, he thinks it's his last day and he's not going to let anything ruin it. Suddendly a young driver in a car blows by him way over the speed limit, slows down slightly, and runs passed a stop sign. the officer takes off after him and pulls him over.

officer: "son, other than the fact that you were obviously speeding, do you know why else i pulled you over?"

driver: "noooo.... not at all."

officer: "well i also watched you run that stop sign."

driver: "well you say i didn't stop, but i slowed down. is there really much of a difference?"

...officer then drags the driver out of the car and starts beating him with a night stick.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

officer says to the driver: "so do you want me to slow down, or do you want me to stop?!?!"

Edited by dbHunterNY
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