Video - Messed up rack buck

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i took the video camera out with me again to the same field i videoed a few weeks ago to see what was going on. Nothing....then this dude walks within 20 yds of the truck and starts blowing like all get out. It honestly scared the living crap out of me because 1.) i haven't heard that sound in a very, very long time,2.) ive only heard that sound when i was actually hunting, not scouting from a roadside, 3.) i was in my truck, and 4 .) it was just way way to close and unexpected...i didn't see him til he blew.

Anyhow, he looks like a very big bodied deer, almost old, but his rack is very small and spindley for his body. When you watch this, look at the mass of his body right before he enters the woods - you can see a distinct swag in his back, his neck is fairly large and his rear end is large as well.

what do you all think? I think he's a mature deer that needs out of the gene pool, he is old or he has suffered an injury resulting in a weak rack.

please let me know your thoughts.



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