Let him grow?


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i have about 40 acres of land that i hunt on and 20 of it is woods and i dont get many pictures of decent looking bucks in my woods, just the occasional fork or little 6 pointers and a ton of does. i do have a food plot and there are numerous trails and rub lines that lead to my stand/food plot but i cant seem to get and bigger bucks neer there. but i was wondering if and when i see this guy should i maybe let him grow a little more or should i take him?





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What kind of pressure is there around you?

Based on what you posted I might take the deer given the opportunity. Dunno that I would hold out for bigger if there are not any bigger bucks around, but with that said I have gone without killing deer in a season, just to let deer walk and have a chance to grow.

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Here is my 2 cents...Although you may not be getting pictures of any bigger deer on your farm, that doesn't necessarily mean they are not around. For now, maybe their core area is on an adjacent farm, and they have't had a reason to move...maybe you just havent captured a picture of any of them becuase they use different travel routes. I am willing to bet that as the season moves into late october and early november, you will get more pictures of bigger deer. As for the buck on your post, give him another year and see what he turns into.

The bottom line is, this is all personal preferance. Like stated above, if you have a ton of pressure around your farm, and they shoot anything with antlers - then this guy is in trouble. however, if your neighbors are on board with trying to grow mature deer, then you gotta let him go another year or two...Also, if this dude is a shooter in your book, then he's a shooter in your book and you can try and harvest him. Ultimately, if you feel he is a trophy, then pursue him...if someone has a problem with that, thats their problem...good luck with whatever you do.


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its going to be up to you to determine area pressure, will he survive to next year, have you shot a buck that big yet and do you think thers a bigger one around.

i say if the pressure around your area is high and you have not shot a buck that big yet, then whack him. otherwise, let him go.


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First- if you want him and have the chance to take him do it! Nothing wrong with killing any deer that you want to kill.


Here is my 2 cents...Although you may not be getting pictures of any bigger deer on your farm, that doesn't necessarily mean they are not around.

This is a true statement. On my hunting land I have 3 cameras set up. I have sat on the porch of the cabin over looking my food plot, water holes and feeder and had a 50" bull moose come in at dusk, walk all through the field, lay down to drink and spent 1.5 hours in the field. There was a camera on the field and the trail that he walked in on and walked out of the field on. I have ZERO picutres of him. I have also seen 2 nice 8 pts with my eyes that I have ZERO pictures of. I dont know how animals do it, but they can avoid a camera and not get their pictures taken like they know its there. I know the cameras are set perfectly since I get pics of other deer on them in the middle of the frame and even pics of other moose. But the big ones vanish somehow. I only have one shooter buck on camera this year and he showed up for 4 hours on camera a month ago and havent seen him since.

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well around me is a ton of hunting pressure and ive seen a bigger buck on my land not on camera he ran throgh my back yard during gun deer season. thats the only time ive seen a deer that big by me. granted i would shoot this guy but im not sure i would be as pleased with him if he had more potential. my stand is located on a food plot in-between a field of soybeans this year and land on the other side that isnt hunted that is full of pine trees and crp grasses and i know that is where they are bedding and most of the major trails lead to my stand set up so im not sure. i know we have a ton of does but ive never seen a buck while hunting. even the ones i get on my camera. i mean last gun season i saw 18 deer and they were all does. the last buck i saw was 2 years ago and it was a nubby. i dont know what to do.

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