Is it ever too early to use a decoy?


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I have a couple bucks that come out in the same spot every night. I have 2 stands set up one on either side as close as I can get them (there aren't any suitable trees closer). I've had them in range but it always takes them til after shooting hours to get there. So I was wondering if its too early to get any reaction out of these deer using a decoy? If so what would get their attention more a buck or doe decoy? Thanks and Happy Hunting!

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I haven't used them in a long time but I don't see any reason why you couldn't now. I have used decoys in the past during bow season. Can't say if a buck or a doe would get their attention best. I've had good results and bad results with both in the past outside the rut. The good results had them feed right toward the decoy and get there pretty quick...the bad results - they went to alert, then left.

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Well, I tried the decoy out tonight.... And it worked perfectly! He came out from a different spot tonight. Caught me a little off guard. He came out 55 yards straight away from me. Saw the decoy just off to my 11 o'clock and started stomping his hoof. I thought he was gonna leave but he came a little closer and stomped some more. Then he circled to my right and walked straight across in front at 27 yards. He stopped and I let my arrow go. The rest is history.



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