Very slow at work...


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Not too good at work lately...down to one patient...having a hard time getting referrals for patients. With the new management and stress to get patients, there's tension running high. One person got fired the other day. Staff are getting called was my turn to be called off my usual shift but I picked up 11pm to 7am...I've never worked that late but I want to keep as much of my hours as possible or they use vacation/holiday time so you still get paid. Apparently, by word of mouth, they aren't paying overtime, we don't have money in the budget for supplies on our patients = not making money. Hoping and praying it picks up gets slow in the summerb ut we usually pick back up by now and never can anyone remember being down to 1 patient.:no:

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Apparently, by word of mouth, they aren't paying overtime, we don't have money in the budget for supplies on our patients = not making money. Hoping and praying it picks up gets slow in the summerb ut we usually pick back up by now and never can anyone remember being down to 1 patient.:no:

Would have thought healthcare jobs would be one of the least impacted by the state of things in this country. Hmmm, wonder about this great Obamacare and Obama economy and just how much this is impacting families.

Seems healthcare facilities are cutting back all over, wonder why. The wife had her OT cut out back near the first of the year, company wide mandate by her employer which has over 200 facilities across the country if I am remembering what she told me correctly. Her income so far this year is over $10,000 below what it was last year at this time of the year, not good at all. Funny thing is that her deducts on her checks have seemed to have gone up from last year which makes absolutely no sense.

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The floor I'm on is a rehab/acute/palliative...critical access as well I believe, about 20 bed floor and then there are 2 nursing home floors and an urgent care as well. I think some does have to do with all this health care reform and I think if it's an elective surgery, people aren't doing it because of money and the economy...

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