Is it to early fir scents?


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Too early for rut type scents. Stuff like interdigital gland scent would be OK. About the only thing I'd consider with the horns now would be simulating tree rubbing.

Yep I'm experimenting right now with some mock scrapes with just buck scent and nothing estrous. I'll see in a week if the bucks check them out of not. I'm more looking for the curious reaction and getting them started early on these mocks by the stands.

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First day of the bow season, September 3rd this year, I sprayed down my boots with a year old Doe-in-Heat scent before walking in to my tree stand. About 9AM, a 3 pt buck crosses my trail following another trail and immediately locks up and went CONDITION: ORANGE (alert, but not ready to bolt, yet).

I was not interested in shooting him (at 5 yards), but his reaction was very interesting. He knew something was seriously wrong.

I know that manufacturers will tell you that the estrous pheromones in Doe-in-Heat will not survive a year's delay of use (some have told me that they doubt it survives the trip to the local Walmart) and paying more for fresh estrous scent is really the trick...maybe they should interview that young buck...

I carefully cleaned my boots off after that hunt, but have continued experimenting with mock scrapes and a variety of scents (buck urine and mixed buck, tarsal gland, doe urine), but I have learned one thing...

Do NOT use estrous deer urine (even from last year's bottle) before the October full moon or October 21st, whichever comes later...

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