Switched to G5


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Well last year I lost 2 deer, a 130" 8 point and a doe using Muzzy Broadheads. I still swear I centerpuched the buck but there was very little blood and after 8 hrs of searching never found him. The doe laid down within 10 yards of the shot and I backed out, but she jumped up and ran as I was walking out. I gave her over an hr and when I went back, I found a pool of blood in the bed that was almost 1.5 feet in diameter. I searched for that doe for 6 hrs and never found her, losing blood after about 75 yards.

I have shot Muzzy's for 12 years and had yet to lose a deer shooting them, however last year upset me with the lack of blood I was finding on shots. Heck I hadn't even had to blood trail a deer I had shot with Muzzy, they had all fallen within sight of my stand.

I have also been having problems with Muzzy's not flying right, even if fletched to my vanes. So this year I decided to go with the G5 T3 expandables. I did some research and spoke with a couple of pro-staffers at Scheel's sporting goods and they recommended them. So far they are flying perfect with my arrows and have not had any of them not open on a target. I can't wait to get in the woods on Oct 5, my first chance to hunt and hopefully stick one in a big ole buck.

I've been doing my scouting and we have 3 new stand set-ups, all with good buck sign. Hopefully I can catch one of em sneakin through workin the scrape and rub lines.

Good luck to all this season and hopefully I have some pictures to show in about a week!!!!

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