Newbies first bow kill!


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My sister's boyfriend recently found interest in hunting, and ended up killing a 65 lb button head last year but never saw much more. This year I convienced him that he needed a bow because it was more fun. The day before our archery opener he started looking for a cheap used bow, and ended up buying an older Browning Micro Burner on September 15 (opening day of bow season) for $50. After buying a Whisker Biscuit, Tru Glo sight, and getting a new custom string made he had $160 in the bow. After shooting countless 3d targets to ensure that he was ready, we decided he was ready to hunt but to keep all his shots within 20 yards. Last night I let a basket 8 pass and it ended up headed his direction. I text him that it was coming and when it stepped out it was aound 30 yards, and it gave him a 15 yard quarting away shot. He said he stood full draw for over a minute waiting on a clear shot watching his bow shake. After he shot the deer (my sister was in the stand with him) she had to take his release off and help him sit down. I believe I have hooked another Bow hunter!







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