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Have any of you had success with grunting in the past? I definitely have. Last season, I grunted in five bucks and a doe with the Primos Buck Roar. The key factor is that I didn't grunt when I wasn't seeing anything, I only grunted when i could see a deer out of range. Most of the bucks were on a powerline around 400 yards away, and I got their attention while they were walking across. Some ended up coming in within 5 yards. The Buck Roar is definitely a legit grunt.

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Have any of you had success with grunting in the past?

Yep, sure have. A few on the wall that were called in with blind calling. Last year's deer I am pretty darned sure was coming in on the call, he is still at the taxidermist. May not work everywhere, but think some situations/places blind calling can be extremely effective at catching a bucks interest and getting him to give you a look. Terrain and cover here work real well for calling.

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i've called in bucks and doe at times using a tending grunt, roar, a couple contact grunts, and even doe grunts. i've used bleats and fawn balls to call in deer too. the best result i ever had was with a doe running across a field with a trench for a cell tower access road in the middle of it. she was trying to figure out how to get around it and was about 320 yards away. i gave her a couple contact grunts and she turned and headed straight to me. i was higher in elevation but in the middle of a field, so i had to hide behind a round bale of hay. she came to within 10 yards. i usually try to call to a deer and only if it's not headed my way.

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Yes i have to agree also promos came up with the best call with the roar the bleat and the can. I called in my first buck using the true talker nd primos can. I was blind calling and he walked through. I have grunted and rattled and had one come in and bed down in front of me and never give me a shot cause he looked right at me the hole tyme. But yea i belive it works.

Primos speak the language

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