!?/'€£¥%# wolves


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I've worked 20 hour days several times since bow season started so I can take half of sat and all of sunday to hunt walked who knows how manymilled checking trail cams late at night timber wolves moved back in and now no pics or sightings of my one shooter buck had 3 days off saw 1fawn

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I lived in the Upper Penninsula of michigan for a while and people up there had a rule...NOT MINE....but it was funny


Shoot it, Shovel it, and Shut up.

A few wolfs would turn up at the DNR stations durring deer season every year with a note saying, returning lost property. Since the DNR put the wolfs in the UP.

sorry to hear about the bad luck.


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  lakemisurfer said:
Wolves ate just the unborn elk calf this spring in WI.

what a joke that elk & wolf transplant is...Elk are pretty expensive wolf food..

Kentucky did an Elk transplant years after Wisconsin did and they are hunting them...(Knight & Hale had an episode)...we cant get the herd much past the transplant numbers

Join the (SS)..leave the shovel at home!

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