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I need advice on spraying a plot. I planted a lidino clover plot in early September and it has started to come up. The only problem, the unwanted grasses/weeds have too. Do I let it go and let ol' man winter handle them and spray in the spring or do I spray now while the weeds are young? If I spray now, will it hurt the young clover?

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I guess we need a little background on how this plot was established.

Was this a throw and let grow planting or did you do a kill and plant plot?

What are you intending to spray?

It's only been a month since planting. You may see some competition from weeds but the clover should take over when it becomes established.

Did you disc, till or just clear the plot? All or none of the above? What did you apply for fertilizer? When? PH?

I know I presented more questions than answers, but we need more info to help you out.


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The area I planted was an old beaver pond than had been drained and grew up in weeds and swamp grass. I had a small strip 15'x50 planted last year and decided to expand it this summer. It is now about half an acre. I pushed off the plot in late July and turned in under in early August. In NC, we had a dry summer (up until late August) so I sprayed Round Up on what ever was still alive in mid August. I disced the area after Labor Day and planted the Lidino. I used 10-20-20 fertilizer (100lbs) in addition to Lime. I was thinking about spraying Arrest on the plot since I've read it is recommended for clover plots.

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You could keep spraying, but what if you have something the deer would browse on after the clover goes dormant? Sounds like you know what your doing, using round up before hand, and then spraying afterwards. When I was in school we had to pick a particular crop to plant, we was responsible for planting. We had the option of spraying before, and then we where responsible for after. Most of the research I did on spraying alfalfa, I used Raptor, but I had to spray early. I personally would wait, like you said, then spray when spring comes. Nothing else get advice from you local ag. agent.

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