Deer meat help...


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One of my good friends here in Washington killed a deer 2 weeks ago. gutted, skinned and quartered the meat. Cleaned it off and placed each quarter in trash bags and threw them in the freezer. They have been frozen solid in those bags for 2 weeks now and he plans to take it to the processor after next weekend when his dad plans to kill a deer and just take both deer at the same time. Will the meet that is frozen in the trash bags still be good or should he pull them out asap and keep them frozen another way till he can get to the processor. I told him to thaw them out and let me debone them and then take them to the processor, but wanted to ask before we did that. So, I guess my question is will each quarter, that is in its own trash bag, be good for 3 weeks being frozen solid in those bags till he gets them to the processor?

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The meat is frozen solid. Not sure what he will have done with it. Most likely ground up and maybe a roast or two. So, I will just have him keep it frozen for another week or two in the trash bags then take it to the processor to do whatever he wants to with it.

Thanks gents.

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