Morning hunts


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I was just wanting to kno if anyone has been having any good deer activity or any good sign of them. I seen deer moving at dark on the property but i seein it walk out and walk toward my stand. I ve seein the sign that they have been around the stand i have abot 3 mock scrapes that i freshen with code blue buck urine and 1 is on the edge of the woods and the other 2 r in the woods. They just picked beans 2 days ago. Any advice would work. I havent been in near the bedding area.

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Where i live the deer movement is usually good in the mornings but lately it has been warm and this past weekend was the first low temp day for a week now and i did see deer starting to move more in the moringis and i see even more when i go out shining at night. once the rut starts there will be a lot more activity, you just have to wait and see what happens.

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I hope you can afford all that Code Blue! In my opinion, you're wasting your money.

Since it sounds like you know where a bedding area is, try to find established trails leading to that bean field you mentioned. Stay a good 100 yards away from where they bed, but set your stand/blind up off those trails and you'll see them. Just give it time.

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