Trapped Hogs


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Moved some traps yesterday and this morning I had 1 sow and 4 pigs in one trap. Notice the little spotted pig, I am sure it is the same one that I have been getting pics of.

Also got permission to trap on another neighbors place, so now I have 3 places and they all join together smile.gif



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Re: Trapped Hogs

dogdoc, yea we loaded these up to sale, but they will probably stay in the trailer till next weekend to see if we can catch some more, just depends on if there are any more in the traps when I go to check them in the morning before I go back home.

Yes Rhino, we put a little dent in the population, all the little pigs are all females, so at least in a few months they won't be out at our place repopulated the whole herd.

I agree huntin, that is a little too much info there JB smile.gif

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