It's been awhile.


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Hello everyone.

I haven't been in here for awhile. My wife died on August 27, and I'm still in a daze.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of June. She had found a lump a few months earlier, but was afraid to tell me. By the time we finally got her in to see someone, it had spread throughout her brain, and her whole body. Now, I have lost my companion, and it's been a tough time for me. I still can't believe she's gone, and with no warning.

I guess I can finally talk about it now. We would have celebrated our 27th anniversary on the 13th of October. Yes, we had some big fights; but it always got worked out. I know life goes on, but I miss her terribly.

Enough babbling for now. I hope everyone is having a great bow season.

I might get out 2 weekends from now with my crossbow. Good luck to all.


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hi tom: i can truly say i know what you're feeling. my wife died august 21, 2 days before our 42nd anniversary. i know god tells us he'll not give us any more pain than we can handle, but he sure does know how to push the limits!

prayers said for you and i wish i could be more encouraging but i also know full well the pain and lonliness. i keep getting told that time will ease that pain, but not an hour of any day goes by without missing her. i can no longer see to type with the tears for both you and me. pm sent. steve

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