Big 8 Point


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So I've been asked to elaborate a bit on the story of our hunt.... My son and I spent a very soggy morning in the elevated Field and Stream 17' outpost elite treestand/blind with continual downpours never really letting up. We decided to eat some lunch and try again. After about 2 hrs in the blind he had rested his head on my shoulder and I was reading as I was watching... about the time I had read for a few minutes too long, Blade woke up and said "deer.... BUCK", to me. I looked out the window and for a split second figured he saw one out at 50 yards or so. I was wrong.... the 8 point was at 25 yards and staring at the blind. I whsipered to Blade, "do not move, he is looking right at us buddy, do not move at all"... the buck dropped his head and raised it back up a few times in typical fashion, and at one time acted as though he was going to run off. He then looked back over his shoulder which gave me the few seconds to get my Thompson Center Thunderhawk .54 cal out the window and on his front shoulder. He was quartering slightly towards me so I settled in on the point of his shoulder which gave me the best double lung angle, and pulled the trigger. He reared up and ran off without too much evidence of being hit and never going down within my 50 yard range of view. due to the rain, we climbed down and tipped toed over to the spot where he stood. No blood or hair, but I could follow his tracks of upturned leaves at least until they were destroyed by the heavy wind that day. Due to this we picked our way along the bucks path slowly and ever so quietly, watching ahead of us. We came to a point and I saw a deer lying down about 25 yards ahead, and Blade stood silently beside me. The heavy wind and rain was now in our favor blowing right in our faces. I readied my rifle not sure if it was the buck, or just another bedded deer. When we eased up within 20 yards I could see the antlers and the head was down in an odd position and then walked up and it made for a very happy father/son moment! After being field dressed the buck weighed in at the butchers at 175lbs and was thought to be 3.5 years old. Nice symmetrical rack...awesome memories afield with my 11 year old son Blade

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