The $1300 Doe...Video..great shot!

layin on the smackdown

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My great freind Mark came down for a two day bowhunt on monday night...the plan was to hunt tuesday and wednesday and send him home with a cooler full of meat for a fairly cheap price....until he broke down on his way down here and was stuck in the pouring rain on the side of 57 just south of Champaign...he walked a few miles to and from a gas station trying to find a tow truck that would pick him up at 12:30 at night, and get his location...Once that was successfully completed he ended up staying the night in a high quality $35 roach motel and spent the rest on his repairs and tows...and gas to finish his 5 hour drive here....and he succeeded on his mission to bring home some meat for the family.

here is the video of his $1300 doe...

Of importance for all to consider, he wanted to make it known that we were not done yet, and we still had wednesday to fill his other tag...

enjoy the clip.


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