11 year old daughter 2nd doe of the year


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Madeline (11yrs old) got her first deer with a bow earlier and now she has taken another doe this time with her .243. You guys will be hearing more more me I'm sure she is quite the hunter. Knowledgable and confident. Good Kid. Pics are coming I'm on the wrong computer. Thanks fellow hunters she enjoys the comments. I believe it motivates her. If you haven't seen here first bow success thread look under bow hunting under 11 year old daughter first bow success. Thanks again. Good to be here.

2011 Fall Pics 104.jpg


Edited by mmiley1040
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Isn't it amazing how, just that fast, your own time in the woods doesn't seem so significant anymore? The satisfaction we now get from hunting is fulfilled through the smiling faces of our kids and their success as little hunters. It's a great feeling and I'm living it myself everyday...

Congrats to your daughter, and a congrats and a pat on the back for you dad... :clap:

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