The Truth Hurts


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Just up the street from the FD station and near WTC we have the Occupy Wall Street group.

Mainstream media has not gotten past the sound bites but if you want to see something interesting to read an article about who these folks are go to Google and enter: Douglas Schoen: Polling the Occupy Wall Street Crowd

He wrote a very telling article

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Media may be slanted on this, not sure the sound bites you are referring to, from all I have seen the people who are protesting are folks who for the most part want handouts and some when asked in interviews if they were offered jobs from the people they were protesting adamantly said they would not take them. Makes a lot of sense.:rolleyes:

Seems from what I have seen reported a good number are college aged kids, and many when interviewed do not even understand what exactly it is that they are doing with their protest or why they are even protesting. Very unorganized and misinformed bunch, lost following the lost the way I see it. Only fits that the community organizer and the liberals would support such since it plays into their favor. This bunch does not in my opinion in any way compare to being a "leftist tea party" as some have tried to liken it to being since there really is no direction other than that most of them want the rich taxed more than they already are and most have no understanding or either simply do not care what the consequences might be.

Just my personal opinion, but think Obama is using this to try to push his "jobs" bill in his attempt to sell it to the American people who for the most part do not want it in much the same way as he passed his healthcare. He wants to cram his legislation through despite what the American people want and despite what is right for this country.

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these jerks are wanting money, simple as that. they enjoy the liberal phylosophy about taking from the rich to give to them. they are actually quite bold about it and say so. the rich, by the way, are the people who create jobs for us all.

simply put, the protesters are communists wanting to take what they are unwilling to work for and earn.

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