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Your Canadian writers sure do paint a bad picture for every duck hunter with that article. According to them I bet every single waterfowl hunter out there should be fined and lose their right to hunt in Canada. I dont know a single person that doesnt refer to a duck, at some point during a season, as Mr or Mrs. Mallard, teal, woody or whatever. Also "talking to them, hitting them and wrenching their necks" thats what you do. thats hunting. Pretty lame article and could have been written a **** of a lot better.

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i know it was a joke from the beginning. there are good and bad apples on both sides of the border. us good ones want to get rid of the bad ones just as bad as the police do. i'm glad he got caught, and it cost him his carreer.

yep your right its "hunters" like this that give us all a bad name no matter where you live.

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