Just a Little Something I Typed Up


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The Reason for the Valleys

There are times in life when we feel like nothing is going our way. Maybe you lost your job, wrecked your car, lost a loved one etc. We've all had these moments in our life at one time or another. Recently, I lost my Granddaddy & it's taken a toll on me. He was one of the biggest Christian influences on my life. Couple that with the fact that my preacher I've listened to my whole life passed away just 10 days later, things have been crazy. I was confused, and yes a little angry with God for taking these two men I loved so dearly. Since then though I've grown more at peace about the situation. I can see that all of this is part of our master's plan. However, there are still times I want to ask God why. We all know what a valley is, that low point between two mountaintops. What we are sometimes unable to see however is that while we're in a valley, there are mountaintops on either side. We, as Christians go through these valleys to get to our mountaintops. I read a quote once that stated, "If you never have valleys, you won't appreciate the mountaintops." There is so much truth in those words when you take time to think about it. Now I'm not saying it's going to be easy, because it's not. It will however be worth it. That old Devil's gonna work on you, and if you're not careful he'll tear you apart. As it's stated in a Crabb Family song, "The adversary promised me that I'd go down in defeat, but all along God had a mountaintop for me." If we'll hold onto that faith we can get through any valley put in our way. See, God doesn't do anything without a purpose. When he wakes you up in the morning or let's you draw your next breath it's for a reason. He may let you go through the valleys of life but he will NEVER leave you alone. He's there holding your hand & guiding your steps. There's a lesson to be learned from each & every trial we face. These valleys only make us stronger. Whether you can believe it at the time or not, God's going to give you the strength to climb the mountain on the other side. When we look at our lives we can see that no matter how deep & everlasting that valley seems, there's always a mountaintop in store on the other side. There's always more good than bad & happy than sad. So whenever you feel like you're in a valley that you can't get out of, remember God has a purpose for it & he's showing you the way to your mountaintop.

Christopher Reynolds

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  • 1 month later...

Good stuff there Chris.

Ponder on this for awhile:

Consider the valleys between the mountain tops. Though spiritually they can be unforgiving, it's there in those valleys that God's beauty can still be seen. You see, while on the mountaintop, the air is crisp and clean but it's in the valleys where the flowers bloom, the grass grows, the birds sing. So while we travel through the valleys in life, take time to look around and see that God still operates in those valleys.

Job said it best: "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him."

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