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So story goes I'm sitting in a ladder stand, usually one I sit in when we hunt at the neighbor's cabin an hour away. about 8:45am I hear rustling in the woods behind me. 4 does come up this ridge and pass behind me at about 25 yards out into a grassy lane I had walked up. There were shrubs in the way so no shot but they fed and hung around a bit before moving back into the woods. I had put some code blue doe urine on my boots when I walked up and sprayed some on weeds so I dunno if it worked but this one doe turned and came in on a line...Drew back, she was broadside then turned again. She walked closed, about 10 yards let her have it, shot spined her, was high, she dropped in her tracks. I waited until she turned broadside and put a 2nd arrow behind her shoulder, angled straight down and through her heart.

View from the stand:


End result:


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