Wisconsin Rut Status


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It's just starting to heat up in south central Wisconsin. The little guys have the doe all on edge and heading for the smaller feeding areas that don't get checked by the bucks as often. I heard a couple bigger bucks sparring a couple nights ago but, they aren't on their feet real early in the evening yet. That said, a buddy of mine whacked a monster last night at 5:15 pm (mainframe 10 with 8 measurable stickers) and passed a nice 10 before this one walked in. Get close to the bedding areas and you may get a chance at a bruiser. This week with the cooler weather may get things moving a bit earlier. Good Luck!

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I have seen most little bucks trying to check the does but they want nothing to do with them. They are grunting and trying to chase. I have heard and seen some 2 1/2 and 3 1/2s sparing pretty hard too. The time to call him in and kill him is pretty much on us as long as the weather stays cool. The decoy is ready to go.

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A few scrapes showing up, bucks are on their feet but still late at night according to pics. Neighbor saw a huge buck following four does come off our property last week. He chased the does but never got close enough for a shot. If temps stay cool, 2.5/3 weeks should be good

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