Anyone go.....???


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To the Iowa Deer Classic on Sunday? I was there all day, it was pretty sweet. I got to see Gordon Wittington, of North American Whitetail, and Alex Rutledge from H.S. There was a lot of good merchants, and the bucks were great! Some really big deer there. There archery 3-D shoot was great also! Will post the pics later as i get them developed! grin.gif

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Re: Anyone go.....???

Did a lot of watching Jays video while he made a few comments. After he shut off the video he talked more and then answered questions. He talked a lot about how he felt that Missouri should move their rifle season out of the rut so we get higher numbers of big bucks. Better than the antler restrictions they are testing in NorthWest MO. He showed a bunch of eight and even ten point one and a half year bucks that would be shot under the restrictions and a huge five and a half year six point that would never get shot legally. I have to agree antler restrictions suck at least for this state. It kills off our best genetics.

Oh and Jay come in a tiny bit late and looking like he may have been playing golf. grin.gif It was a nice day.

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