Telemarketers starting again!


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This is getting sickening.... as soon as its found that its not illegal or harassing to bother people at home with telemarketing.... it starts all over again! I get atleast 1 call a day from a telemarketer. Of course I am always VERY RUDE to them. They usually hang up on me! grin.gif

I saw on the Seinfeld show one day Jerry having a conversation with a telemarketer saying something to this effect

Jerry: Hello

telemarketer: speaks but you can't hear conversation

Jerry: Oh I am interested but listen, I'm a little busy at the bout' you give me your home phone number and I'll call you about dinnertime say??

telemarketer: responds but you can't hear conversation

Jerry: Oh, you DON'T LIKE getting calls at home?? Well, NEITHER DO I!!!!

I swear I am gonna do this next time!!

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

The wife got one pretty good a couple years ago. She would not let the telemarketer get a word in and started telling them how glad she was that they called, that she was so lonely and needed someone to talk to and she went on until the telemarketer eventually hung up on her. Had me rolling,

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!


The wife got one pretty good a couple years ago. She would not let the telemarketer get a word in and started telling them how glad she was that they called, that she was so lonely and needed someone to talk to and she went on until the telemarketer eventually hung up on her. Had me rolling,

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LOL thats pretty funny!!!!

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

God Bless the No-Call List. Since I put our number on the list I only get bothered once in a great while. But that is from the companies that can. Mostly its for giving money to the state troopers or fireman. I usually give so that is why the keep calling me.

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!


God Bless the No-Call List. Since I put our number on the list I only get bothered once in a great while. But that is from the companies that can. Mostly its for giving money to the state troopers or fireman. I usually give so that is why the keep calling me.

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The no call list is no longer in effect... thank your congressman for that one! You've just been lucky so far.

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

Here's what I always do:

When I know it's a telemarketer I have me girlfriend answer the phone. As soon as he gets into his sales pitch, I pick up another phone and say, "oh sorry, didn't know you were talking, let me know when your off I have to call my brother"

Then my girl starts asking questions to get him talking again, a few seconds later I pick up and say "oh sorry, let me know when your off" Then I let him start talking again, and I keep picking up every five seconds and say the same thing. I've actually interupted the same guy like 20 times and they still keep talking.

They're persistant, I'll give them that, it's hillarious to do, try it grin.gif

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

Can't remember what the telemarketer was pitching, but one of my friends stopped her dead and starting giving her his address.....

When she asked why he was doing this he replied "so you can send the check the right house"

"What check sir?"

"The one you are going to send me for interupting my dinner, wasting my time, and being generally annoying!" he replied.

That was funny cause she was rude and deserved it. With call display it is fun to see the 1-800 number and put it on speaker phone. Then do stuff like fake family get together and always say pardon with lots of background noise. Or if you have a woman in the room you might fake a intimate encounter. ha ha ha

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Re: Telemarketers starting again! and Jehovah\'s

I understand how irritating these calls can be, but I also feel kinda bad for those people. They are just trying to make a living, and maybe this is the only job they can get. It would be nice if all the calls went away, but I don't think it would be good for the economy if they did. What really bothers me is when you pick up the phone and you are automatically on hold and suppose to wait for the next available person....if you are going to call me, then you better be there on the other end of the line!

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Re: Telemarketers starting again! and Jehovah\'s

WooHoo!!! Got one!!! I got a call from some lady asking about how I was going to vote and after giving her the typical sarcastic answers of it being none of her business. I followed it up with

Me: I'll tell you what... why don't you give me your home phone... come on give it to me and I will call you tonight about dinner time... probably wouldn't like that now would ya? Well I don't like it either...

Her (stammering): I'm sorry sir but I will I be sure to add you to the do not call list...

Me: Please make sure you do!

Do not call list... my butt, I'll get another one tomorrow. Atleast I got to let off some steam. grin.gif

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

LOL I've got a buddy that is always trying to sell them something. One evening a company called him trying to sell him siding, and boy was he interested. He got all their info and almost had the sale complete until he asked just how much siding it would take to cover a 10' x 12' tent. LMBO Needless to say they hung up on him. About a month ago I had a newspaper call and try and sell me a years worth of their paper, but I had to break their heart and tell them that I couldn't read. LOL

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

When I used to get them calls I would say the person your trying to reach is dead! They would move my name off the list! But I dont think that works anymore!

Then I would just lay the phone down on the arm of the sofa and let them talk! Only to pick it up every now and then to say yeah....keep going! they would talk some more, I would say yeah.......keep going! I figured they are paying the phone company lots of money it might help keep my costs down!

Then there is the pycho customer screamming vulgar things to them until they hang up! Cant do that anymore since I had my daughter! LOL

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

I get rid of them real quick. When they say we are offering such and such, I say oh you are giving it to me. Cool when are you shipping it. Then they go into the spiel you have to buy it. I tell them no you said you are giving it to me now when are you shipping it. They get all frustrated and try the spiel again and I tell them I am calling the Better Business Bureau and reporting them for fraud and I ask them there name and number. They usually hang up. This is about a 5 to 10 minute process, but it is good for a good hours laugh.


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Re: Telemarketers starting again!


We got a phone with the TELEZAPPER built in - it really works!!!

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What does that do, electrocute whomever is on the other end of the line? smirk.gif

I need one of those for those idiots who incessantly keep making political calls to me, if that's the case.

Now that would be cool (fun)! grin.gif

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!

You set it up so when it is answered it makes the "out of service" tone. The auto dialers from the telemarketers computer recognizes it as a defunked number and erases it from the data base. It really works. Takes a few days once you get it, and another couple each time you order something online - you'd be amazed to see how often they sell your name and number!

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Re: Telemarketers starting again!


another couple each time you order something online - you'd be amazed to see how often they sell your name and number!

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Thats why when I order anything on-line, they get the number to dial INFORMATION!!! 555-1212 and whatever area code your in! Also, NEVER use your home or default email address. Set up an account with like Hotmail or any other web base email accounts! I like Hotmail because they have super controls on the amount of mail that you can auto delete!


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