WV Fall Gobbler Down! (PICS)


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I was able to take a few days off work and get out and do some fall turkey hunting with my Uncle Mel & my Cousin Kevin. We had some rough wind to deal with on Saturday & Monday, but this morning conditions were much better.

I had clucked a few times after daylight and a little later I heard a short gobble above me. I quickly got situated, called a few soft times and he gobbled again. I had previously only had fall birds let up their location when called to, but this one was coming my direction. Pretty soon I could see him sneaking over the ridge and coming my way. I could see that he had a pretty good beard and I just hoped he'd walk within range.

He actually closed the distance pretty quick...I pulled the trigger and he started flopping! It turned out to be a pretty good bird, I would estimate 16 or 17 pounds w/ a 6" beard & pretty good spurs.





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