Thank you Lord! BBD!


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I can't believe I finally get to post something like's the story and pics:1eye::camera:

Got into my stand at 3:30pm today - the one tucked in from the corn field in some hemlocks. 4pmn a small doe comes downwind of me, didn't hang around long. 10 minutes to 5pm a 1 antlered spike comes through about 45 yards our. Temp dropping, maybe a 1/4" of snow in spots...i'm starting to freeze. Right around 6PM, give or take a few minutes, I'm sitting down and look to my right to see a big rack pop over the ridge, oh my gosh BIG BUCK! I can't move, he's coming right down the hill, he stops for a second then keeps walking, pretty relaxed. He's right out in front of my slightly quartering away, it's now or never and he's not behind a tree so I have to draw. My bow draws dead silent, I get settled on him, BAAHH! He stops, I don't even remember it all but I anchored best I could, settled the first pin behind his shoulder and watched the arrow disappear into him, he gave a big ol' kick and takes off, I see the arrow in him! In a matter of minutes I hear a crash on the other side of the swamp to my left. I call home, shaking like crazy. The first thought as I saw the buck run off was "It looked like a good sot and this one is for my uncle." (my uncle isn't doing well healthwise).Well Andy got home and comes help me track. Blood started immediately at impact but was kind of sprayed and not heavy at all but there were air bubbles, found my arrow broken, and 100 yards at most I'd guess Andy says "Ruth, look". There he lays, my best buck to date...I'm still on a cloud,lol. Pinch me I'm dreaming! I have truly been blessed.




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