Be Prepared Guys

Ravin R10 man

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Helped my Bro find a bow kill last eve. went in with compass bloodrunner light(which didint do what it says it would).. and I had a spotlight...we found a good blood trail and started hanging tape just not alot...pretty soon my light starts fading his little double c light isnt alot but we continue I conserve mine. We find the buck gut it amd sonn discover we were turned around. his compass tells us east is several different

we didnt bring a cell phone to call and have somebody top the hill to shine in our direction or honk a horn.

Stars are out but with tall trees hard to tell what we are looking at, and no wind.

Well he makes a circle and looks for the tape..after about 10 minutes and a few trys he finds it. we drag the buck to it.

we go to the last tape and check for next..finally get to a huge spruce that I remembered going by..and I have him walk out.. he come right to the ranger...whew!

What should have taken 45 minutes took two hours!!

We never panicked, thought things out..and one stood still while the other looked for the next tape. we were actually laughing about being turned it off, this tape was supposed to be reflective..ha!!

you had to be on top of it to see it.

pays to be better prepared I guess

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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I got lost in the dark a few times and know that feeling. Amazing how everything looks alike. No way are the woods here like the wilderness of Wisconsin, but enough to have me mark trails and carry a second flashlight.

I got turned around in Alaska once, but luckily the ladies I was with knew where they were going...:o

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Pine plantations are the worst, they all tend to look the same, lol. After a couple of episodes like that I bought a GPS, man that thing is a lifesaver. It also gives me the confidence to go on and push ahead or circle out wide when the trail goes cold and not worry about getting lost.

we have one, but did not bring it..hey he heard him crach right? how hard can it be??

By the way..dont buy a "Bloodrunner'' light...they dont work!!!

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