The wind is right...


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It was SE for me down at Derringer's. So if you had the same wind, it was a perfect wind for below the knob. Too bad nothing showed. Looks like that food plot is still growing a bit.

Reminds me of that trophy rock we set down there. Wonder if they're still hitting it. I was pretty surprised at how quickly those things melt in the rain. I set one out on the back of my lot in August, and it's gone already.

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I had S wind all night there, which is still good for that tree. Hershey re-did all of the foodplots.

Didn't look for that trophy rock, not sure what is up with it. I put one out at woody's a few years ago in front of my camera, it didn't last very long, but the deer would still kick up the ground getting to the mineral.

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Didn't look for that trophy rock, not sure what is up with it. I put one out at woody's a few years ago in front of my camera, it didn't last very long, but the deer would still kick up the ground getting to the mineral.

I'm sure it's long gone, but like you say, that salt is probably still there and will take a bit of time to leach out.

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