Great snow goose hunt!!!!


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Hi guys!

I posted here a month ago stating that I had bought a spring snow goose at a turkey banquet. Well, we went March 1-3. We ended up hunting the Clay Center, Nebraska area as opposed to the Missouri area. I ended up going with a client and his 5 boys on the trip. (the boys hunted at no extra guide cost). To say the least we had the trip of a life time. None of us are waterfowl hunters, however, we went well prepared thanks to you guys answering my questions on guns, ammo and clothing.

When we arrived the geese were all over the place and the boys could not believe how big the flocks were!! These were really excited boys (age 12-16). The night before our first hunt the guide asked "do you want to hunt geese or kill geese?" Being that none of the boys had ever shot geese before and the fact that we did not want to go home empty handed we choose: "kill geese". Well the next day he took us to a 4 acre pond that had about 10,000 snows on it!!! I could not believe that many geese could exsist on one pond. We went up a small ravine and climbed the pond dike just after shooting hours opened. We popped our heads up and started shooting. In the end 77 geese were dead. It was not hunting in that you did not even have to aim your gun. Multiple geese fell out of the air with every shot. The boys were very excited and we had some meat to take back. That is a sight that I will never forget. Below is the picture of 1/2 of the geese (we were still trying to retrieve the 40 some other from the pond.


the rest of the day we located flocks in the fields and belly-crawled to get shots. We landed a few more birds here and there. The boys learned what real goose hunting was all about. Below is the photo of our first days hunt.


We hunted the next morning at a public marsh near Harvard. I could not believe it when around 100,000 geese took off after the first gun shot rang out. What and incredible and beautiful sight!!! We only got two geese with lucky shots.

The rest of the days were fun and we ended up taking 181 geese between the 7 of us. We could have taken more if I was a half way decent shot!! Below is a photo of me and a boy after we downed four snows. We belly-crawled about 400 yards into a cornfield and layed there 45 minutes until the geese worked towards us and then spooked giving us 20 yards shots. The most fun I had on the trip was laying in that cornfield and watching those geese fly overhead and get closer and closer for 45 minutes!!!!


The last photo is of the 12 year old that shot this goose. A flock had busted and all the shooting was over and everyone had emptied the guns (except this boy). All of a sudden here comes the lone goose overhead at 30 yards. The boy (having the only loaded gun) points and shoots him out of the air and the goose lands 15 feet from him. What a proud kid that was!!!!


By the way: two of the snows had bands on the legs. Both were shot by the boys.

If you are wondering why we DID NOT DECOY the birds: there was practically NO WIND. Blue sky days with temps the the 50 - 68 degree range. All the decoying that we saw was not working.

All in all, we had a great time in Nebraska (especially the kids)!!!! A vacation the will always be remembered.

If any of you are looking for a GREAT GUIDE; look up "Downwind Outfitters". He was the best and treated us great.

good luck to all,

the dog

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